
2023-05-13 11:06:41 英文格言短句



  1、George Sand, French woman writer 幸福在于自知拥有幸福。

  2、Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, American presidents wife 幸福不是目的,而是一种副产品。


  4、No patient who, who has no wisdom、-- he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。——萨迪

  5、Who changed the original touch kind, love to let happiness become so humble.

  6、俄罗斯化学家 门捷列耶夫


  8、Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return、-- Zola、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。左拉


  10、Today is fragrant plum, the Ming dynasty as a pillar of the motherland.

  11、Life would be to smooth if it had no rubs in it.

  12、True love needs to wait for, who can say that love you, but not everyone can wait for you.

  13、I thought I was going to forget you, but your shadow is always haunt me.

  14、it iright to put everything in itproper use.

  15、Drench the air after the rain, tired of sadness, my memory of the fairy tale has slowly melting.

  16、Our love is a beautiful version of the affliction play, just end we have no together.

  17、song, no supper. 不出力,不得食.


  19、决心赢的人永远不会说"不可能的"。( 法国皇帝拿破仑. B.)

  20、“the happiest of people don’t necessarilhave the best of everything, thejust make the most of everything that comealong their way.”


  21、man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。 no man is content.人心不足蛇吞象

  22、Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many tomorrow, I was born to be the moon, time wasted to no purpose will brew woe.

  23、It is dogged does it、 The days of easy, but careless people、 -- Yuan Mei, a Qing Dynasty poet、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕粗心人。袁枚,清朝诗人

  24、What is happiness? Is to hide their grief for everyone smile.

  25、businesithe salt of life.


  27、A man who fears suffering is already from what he fears.

  28、I’m waiting for you, if you look back, that is the most beautiful waiting for you.

  29、Pollock ,British jutist 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。美国总统罗斯福的夫人埃莉诺


  31、Szasz Thomas, American psychiatrist 幸福是想象中的东西。从前,生者认为死者幸福,孩子则认为大人幸福。

  32、nothing in life ito be feared. it ionlto be understood.

  33、Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement、 -- Wen Tianxiang天行健,君子以自强不息。文天祥

  34、Don’t forget the things you once owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep those things in memory.

  35、“the brightest future will alwaybe based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failureand heartaches.”

  36、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy、-- Herzen一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。——赫尔岑

  37、I have been very happy, because see the love you so.



  40、William Cowper, British poet 无所事事不是休息,十分空虚的心灵是痛苦的心灵。


  41、Bernard. Shaw, British dramatist 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。


  43、Happiness is not being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone’s love when you need love.

  44、cat may look at a king. 猫也可以看皇帝。/ 地位虽不同,人人应平等。


  46、Sadly, mask with long, even oneself what all forgot.

  47、Our memories stolen by time, can’t touch the stranded on yesterday.

  48、“live aif your were to die tomorrow. learn aif you were to live forever.”- mahatma gandhi

  49、Wonders will never cease. 奇迹无穷尽。


  51、Hunger is the best sauce. 饥者口中尽佳肴.

  52、Life is an improvisation, you cannot make a dream, not only those who do not wake up.

  53、As long as the efforts to lift your feet, victory will belong to you.

  54、Let the sleeping dogs lie. 莫惹是非。

  55、I will not beat you, not scold you, but torture you with all my love。 不打你,不骂你,专用感情折磨你!

  56、finished labourare pleasant.

  57、Samuel Johnson. British writer. 希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的幸福。


  59、Like a person, will humble to dust, then flower leaves come.

  60、You once said that be with me forever, but now is I a person.


  61、I was probably a bird, full of alert, not easy to stay, so has been on the fly.


  63、Hard is facing, frustration is experience, efforts are Bridges, success is the other shore.

  64、Hawthorn, American writer 幸福是一只蝴蝶,你要追逐它的时候,总是追不到;但是如果你悄悄地坐下来,它也许会飞落到你身上。

  65、Once thought, sad will be tears; Just detection, really sad cry out tears.

  66、Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit、-- Pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。——巴斯德

  67、Only when a mans life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pro-nounce him happy.

  68、People sad, not because love ends, but because of who I am when everything is over, love is still in.

  69、“be who you are and sawhat you feel, because those who matter don’t mind, and those that mind, don’t matter.”- dr. seus(theodor seusgeisel)

  70、Good wine needs no bush. 酒好无需挂幌子。

  71、work makethe workman.

  72、a handful of common sense iworth a bushel of learning.



  75、the shortest answer idoing the thing.

  76、Next life do not know can not meet, so give you all the best in my life.

  77、The most sad, not you not sad, but you can no longer sad.

  78、Have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important、 -- Laroche, French writer取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。拉罗什夫科

  79、pleasure without pain. 乐中必有苦.



  81、Will make you lose a lot, but didn’t get that much.




  85、After a storm comes a calm 云开日出。

  86、“it hurtto love someone and not be loved in return,but what ithe most painful ito love someone and never finding the courage to let the person know how you feel.”



  89、On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind

  90、Rome wasn’t built in one day、伟业非一日建成。


  92、With strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings、—— Bailey

  93、Love is like a film, at the end of the film, so people will be dispersed.


  95、“there are momentin life when you reallmissomeone that you want to pick them from your dreamand hug them for real. hope you dream of that someone.


  97、Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way, gold and stone can be carved、-- Xun Kuang、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。荀况


  99、love makepeople forget about time, while time makepeople forget about love. don’t let yesterdatake up more of today.

  100、You like the sun, in the haze of my heart, hurt sad.


  101、“a carelesword makindle strife; a cruel word mawreck a life, a timelword malevel stress, a loving word maheal and bless.”

  102、The real strong is not without tears, but on eyes tears run.

  103、Failure is also, I need it and success as valuable to me.

  104、Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. 不是无知本身,而是对无知的无知,才是知识的死亡。 . 21.Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action. 最可怕的事莫过于无知而行动。

  105、The winner of life never lose courage in the face of a setback.

  106、Even if already know, you already did not love me. But still think you still stay with me.

  107、Other times,other manners. 隔代不同礼。

  108、M S. Boethius, Ancient Roman statesman 在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过



  111、Constantly struggle, is on the road to success.

  112、Willian Graham Sumner, American sociologist 我们得到的一切幸福都是劳动、辛苦、自我克制和学习的成果。

  113、better a glorioudeath than a shameful life.


  115、Without entering the tigers lair, how can one catch the tigers cub?

  116、Solon, ancient Athenian statesman 人不进棺材,谁也称不上幸福,而至多不过是幸运。

  117、Jackson, British writer 幸福是勇气的一种形式。美国精神病学家托马斯. S.

  118、I put all the desperate walk again, you are still in the starting point is the most desperate.

  119、Hard to strive for success, but don’t expect a certain success.

  120、Cherish the present, because of the missed this one, can not see the next one.

  121、Rome wasn’t built in one day、

  122、No human can repel a firm hope、-- Kingsley、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。金斯莱

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