Christmas was just a week away and I had five people left to shop for and only three dollars .“Let’s set a price limit on our gifts this year,” I suggested to my best friend Joanie.“That’s a good idea,” Joanie agreed. “How about nothing over five dollars?”“How about sixty cents?” I felt like the biggest cheapskate in the world .“I guess this is where I’m supposed to say it’s not the gift but the thought that counts,” Joanie smiled .
It is almost impossible to buy anything under sixty cents, so it was really going to have to be very small gifts with very big thoughts .Finally , Christmas Day arrived. I gave my mother a candle with a note that said, “You are the brightest light in my life.” She almost cried when she read the note.I gave my brother a wooden ruler. On the back of it I had painted, “No brother in the world could measure up to you.” He gave me a bag of sugar and had written on it, “You’re sweet.”For Joanie , I painted a pair of shoes with a note that said, “No one could ever fill your shoes .” She thanked me and said I always tickled her and made her laugh.To my other two friends, I gave Annie a paper fan and a note on it, “I’m your biggest fan.” I gave Helen a calculator that cost one dollar and I painted a message on the back, “You can always count on me.”
My mother knows she is the most important person in my life. My brother thinks I’m sweet. Joanie thinks I’m funny and make her laugh , which is important because her dad moved away last year and she missed him and is sad sometimes.
It's that time of year again when everyone hits the high street to do theirChristmas shopping. There are a few Christmas shopping strategies.
Start in June. This saves you panicking in a number of ways You don't get into debt because you are spreading the cost of Christmas over 7 months. You get to buy presents at bargain prices and take advantage of all the summer sales. There are not Christmas queues and the weather is dry fine and warm, making yourChristmas shopping a more enjoyable experience.
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