关 键 词: 小学六年级 600字
字 数: 600字作文
本文适合: 小学六年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com
本作文是关于小学六年级600字的作文,题目为:《水污染-Water Pollution》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。
Water pollution is a serious problem now. Hundres of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe beeause of serious pollution. Besides Haihe, there are some other rivers like this.
We can't live without water, so we must keep'the water elean to protect ourselves. Our government is taking measures to protect the rivers against pollution. People also realize the seriousness of the pollution. Everyone begins to try his best to fight against water pollution.
We can't live without water, but now many rivers are polluted. Hundreds of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe because of serious pollution. It is dangerous to drink such water.Besides Haihe, there are other rivers like this.
People come to know the seriousness of water pollution. Our government is taking measures to protect the rivers against pollutions. Peopie also try their best to protect rivers and keep them clean.