关 键 词: 初中初二 250字
字 数: 250字作文
本文适合: 初中初二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com
Today i took the bus to the park. Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time.名师点评:小作者用英语叙述了一个小故事,从英语语法的角度出发,小作者使用了一般现在时,第三人称的动词变化也用得非常正确,语法准确,表述完整。但是小作者在英语的书写上要注意哦,单词与单词之间要有空格,像这样看上去比较吃力哦!(学乐中国特聘教师:许奕文老师)2008-12-20 18:29:00