高中高三作文1200字:I love my brother

2013-11-07 02:07:25 高中高三1200字
作文标题: I love my brother
关 键 词: 高中高三 1200字
字    数: 1200字作文
本文适合: 高中高三
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com


本作文是关于高中高三1200字的作文,题目为:《I love my brother》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

I love my brother   I have a younger brother, 7 years old, very cute. He read kindergartens in Shanghai, sometimes over 2,3 weeks before I came back. He was a happy person make me happy, round face, large eyes, very cute!   Morning when I open my eyes, looked at clock, 8 o’clock, I immediately get up, go out. I went to the grandmother, opened the door, my brother called me a: "brother." I should be uttered. This is the grandmother said: "Today did not go to school ah?" I was talking to her brother, said: "Yes ah." Frozen my brain, I said: "Today is Saturday … …" I’m slow again and again: "I have a hobby classes too!" I immediately put on shoes and ran out. Eventually the school.   Noon, after school, and I walked home with the students. Finally to the grandmother, I saw my brother playing with building blocks. I said: "brother, we play computer now!" His brother said: "Good." My brother and I play on the computer in the room, and after a 1 hour, his brother, and I shut the computer, playing the ball, rope skipping , Hide and Seek … … Anyway, word word, what my brother and I would play. Time really fast, eat lunch, and after a very long time, went to the evening, I’m going home, I said: "brother, I’ll come back tomorrow." Brother, said: "Goodbye my brother." I thought gratefully, because today I had a good time.   The morning sun has dried on my ass on my ass lit up shining, I open my eyes and say hello to the sun, I got dressed, had a face wash. Right again to grandma house.   I went to the grandmother, younger brother to see it in the spur of the moment, I went over a bowl, his brother said: "brother, what we play today?" I said: "Do not know, you talk." Brother said: "I want to play a teacher." I said: "When the teacher? how to play this game?" his brother said: "is a person as a teacher, the other person to Listen to the words." I said: "That’s who is a teacher ah ? "courageous brother said:" I pictures. "I do not believe the eye with his younger brother looked at, looked at looked, sighed and said:" Thanks to you as my teacher? incredible. "brother said:" The play Play Kan Ma, let me try it, I beg you, brother – "I think, anyway, boring, play a while on it, I promise to down. After a while, my brother and I played together.   Brother took the book, come in, sit in a chair, put on a very serious look, said: "Students, we come to paint," said, he took out a piece of paper, I draw, I looked at my brother that cute, he casually drew a few strokes, painting the pig. Brother looked, said: "ah – good!" I am helpless.   At noon, I was about to play hide and seek, and brother, my mother call and said let me go to the countryside to Auntie’s house. I am reluctant brother because his brother was to return to Shanghai at 2 pm, and also this time to be separated 23 months before I came back. I looked at my brother said: "brother, brother to go to the countryside, and can not, and you played." Brother whispered: "Oh -" I said: "brother, I went to, can not give you." Brother nodded, that was my time I’ll want, give me 10 minutes, or even 1 minute line, so my brother and talk for a while, and then play with him for a while, if let gone of time I’ll be, I can do anything.   Brother, I want to say to you: "brother, I love you, you make me happier."   At the time, my brother cried, he cried and said to his mother: "Mom, next time when we came back," Aunt comfort him.   Brother! I am bored when you can, like, like a pistachio, so I am happy! Brother! Me and you play it a few days I will not forget. I will it, like tree roots deep headlong into the soil, put it deep deep into my blood, the brain will never forget. And I also looking forward to next time you come back the next time we met, we have new games and fun!

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