暑期到来,是学生们普遍盼望的事。但是暑期的到来意味了大量作业的到来,其中包括老师布置的暑假作文。许多学生能把暑假过的有滋有味,却不能把作文描写得活灵活现。为了方便同学们更好的完成老师布置的暑假文章,小编在出国留学网作文频道m.liuxue86.com 对全国历年优秀的暑假作文进行汇总,欢迎同学们前来参考借鉴。
I'm Lisa, last week my parents and I went to Huangshan Mountian play.We take the train together, took about three hours to reach Huangshan Mountain.That night, our hotel accommodations at a local, the next morning to go hiking.Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area is known around the world.The climbers will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea of clouds, rocks, etc..The tour was very fun, also took a lot of nice photos.