关 键 词: Sky 小学五年级 350字
字 数: 350字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com
欢迎阅读《作文:Sky》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“初一作文”,请随时关注!In the sky has blue sky, the bird is singing in the deep blue sky, freely soars. Several white clouds flutter in the blue sky, likes a white lotus, was beautiful extremely! In our heart has blue sky, that is our childlike innocence, is the blue color, is chaste, fills the dream, is wonderful mysterious. 来自:作文大全Mother in the heart also has sky, in the heart has we, the sky is scarlet, because red representative the enthusiasm, is a golden color, because the sunlight is a golden color, is crystal clear transparent, because, that is a silver heart. 来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxue86.comThe day, three kind of days, we ride the airplane, hovers in the blue sky. Sings in the childlike innocence. Joyfully grows in mother's heart. 《Sky》这篇优秀的“初一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。