高中高三作文1200字:my dark side 黑暗的一面

2013-05-16 04:42:43 黑暗高中高三1200字
作文标题: my dark side 黑暗的一面
关 键 词: 黑暗 高中高三 1200字
字    数: 1200字作文
本文适合: 高中高三
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com


本作文是关于高中高三1200字的作文,题目为:《my dark side 黑暗的一面》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

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  I’ve always seen movies or cartoons with characters of two sides. In fact, every character has got to have two sides, or it won’t be a complete piece of work. However, we do not fully discover the two sides in the story, since there are other limits. The most obvious way of presenting is to split the character’s face into two parts. Make one side dim grey and the other bright red. The expression of the first one is all cheery and pleasant, while the other part is all ugly and angry. Then the first part says, “Oh, hello. You cute little girl.” And the other part says with despise, “Go away, you dirty little brat.” 来自:作文大全 It was kind of funny at the beginning, I laughed so hard. The poor woman was completely corrupted by the two sides of hers. I was young then. But now to think about it, it wasn’t funny at all, but scary, terrifying. It made me extremely uncomfortable and shiver every time I see it. And the disk of cartoon ended up being in the trash can.  来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxue86.com I didn’t know why I did it, I guess I was too scared.  The two sides of hers weren’t something visual, right on her face. I mean, no one go around looking like that, the dark side was usually hidden. But instead, it is something in side us, in our mind, deep down the soul. The two side, bright and dark, good and evil, no matter how will they are hidden, they’ve always existed. It’s something we were born with, and we have to learn to live with it.   So then I realize it was not child’s game, kid’s joke, but something that exists in our true life. Some thing that haunts us at night, gives us nightmares, makes us evil. It is eating up our mind, taking control of us. Until that shadow overcast us, we put on this mask that hides our true self and continue living in a world of fakeness.  Some say, there are equal amount of good and evil inside us, and as we grow, we discover our good and evil, and eventually get to know more about ourselves. All we need to do is to learn it, accept it. Does that mean it is the human nature to be evil? Is that an excuse? I guess I just don’t understand this thing so well.  I’ve always thought myself as a decent person, and nothing apart from that. And all of a sudden, I am asked to find something deep down the shadow which I probably don’t know myself.   Ok, this is getting more and more creepy than I thought.  A person who doesn’t know herself, how much more freaky can this get?  They say, a person who doesn’t know herself will lose direction, wondering off in the world without knowing where to go, what to do and what the meaning is. While other’s say, person that had be over taken by her dark side will never realize it, until something terrible happens. I DO have a dark side, it’s just that I don’t seem to notice it at all. Wait, what can that possibly mean…  This is a serious problem.  I’d rather stop this ridiculous talk before I get mentally wrapped up by this thing.  I keep repeating this to my self, “I am a good person, I will always be a good person…”  Dear God, if I’ve done anything wrong. Please forgive me.  I hate this darkness, like a hell I live.       《my dark side 黑暗的一面》这篇优秀的“初二作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。

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